Roller Set, Flat Iron & Style (Silk Press)
Includes wash, regular conditioner ROLLER SET and style of your choice.
Includes wash, regular conditioner ROLLER SET and style of your choice.
Includes wash blow dry and style of your choice (flatiron, curls etc.)
Blow dry designed for braid or extensions prep
Includes custom conditioner under the micro mist machine Recommended once or twice a month depending on how often you style your hair
Includes wash, custom conditioner under micro mist YOU LEAVE WET
Part of the growing process is trimming away the dead ends. Recommended 6-12 weeks apart depending on how often you style your hair.
This service comes with a wash and cut designed to enhance your natural curl pattern and style Recommended for clients rocking their natural curls!
Bobs, Layers, etc.
Haircut only. Does not come with a style.
semi permanent hair color designed to enhance shine and blend in gray hair
Semi/Demi permanent hair color designed to enhance shine and blend gray hair (not designed to cover gray hair 100 percent)
Includes relaxer and style of your choice
Formaldehyde free smoothing system
This treatment helps smooth frizz and enhances shine. Its a leave in treatment applied before the styling process.
Recommended 6-8 weeks depending on the condition of your hair.
Recommended every 6-8 weeks depending on the condition of your hair.
If you suffer from dandruff, dry scalp, dermatitis or alopecia this treatment is for you! Can be done alone or enhanced under the steamer or micro mist machine.
This service comes with a wash, conditioner and steamer. YOU LEAVE WET
Clean hair install only
wash, prep and install
*New clients, please book consultation* *Hair not included Includes wash, blowout, install and style (trim/cut not included)
Consultation required prior to booking
Consultation required prior to booking
Consultation required prior to booking
Custom services
Late after 20 minutes